Quality Standard
Quality standard for custom promotional bags
Rapid delivery for high quality product is usually the main appeal for custom promotional bag suppliers. It seems that there is no standard definition of shopping bag's quality. Finally, it often determined by price, and it is not objective. TIEN YIH focus on the manufacturing process of each shopping bag and we follow ISO 9001 standard. Our quality management system is established through our 30-year-old manufacturing process experience. We provide test report as acceptance report for every batch production with load test, swing test and tensile strength test.
Tensile Strength Test of handle (ISO 9073-3)
Tensile strength test of the handle plays an important role in determining the quality of shopping bags. We will use professional equipment to measure the tensile limit value of each custom shopping bag until it is broken. We recorded and analyzed the data meet the standard or not. We ensure that each batch of production meet the average of our tensile Strength in order to control our quality.
Swing Test of Shopping Bags (CNS15331 Section4.8)
The way consumers use the bag may cause bags broken and can no longer be used. We use the fixed weight to test for 4 hours with amplitude of 70mm and a frequency of 60cycle/min. We also D-check the structure broken or not. This way ensures our good quality.
Load Test (Depends On Each Shopping Bag)
Load test is the basic way to measure weight resistance of shopping bags. The test standard is according to the weight of the content that the customer needs to load. We simulate the same weight of contents to load test for 24 hours to ensure the safety when using shopping bags.