Factory direct specialized custom shopping bags from Taiwan. | Your Guide to Buying Wholesale Non-Woven Drawstring Bags for Businesses

Taiwan factory-direct sales reusable shopping bag printed your own logo. | Cotton Canvas Eco Bags Supplier.

Taiwan factory-direct sales reusable shopping bag printed your own logo.

Company Info

Factory direct specialized custom shopping bags from Taiwan.

TIEN YIH ENTERPRISE LTD. is the few manufactures who specializes in manufacturing paper bags, non-woven bags, canvas bags and insulated bags in the world. We give you advanced fully automatic equipment and well-trained personnel who are familiar with raw material procurement and production processes. We can integrate customer demand quickly because we have 30 years of production experience. Our manufacturing processes all follow ISO 9001 standard.

One-stop shopping is our main competitive advantages. Not the same as other suppliers depend on outsource and could not control over the entire production processes.

TIEN YIH ENTERPRISE LTD. carry out shopping bag’s production planning and control and make our procurement processes more transparent. To give positive and honest feedback to our customer demand and communicate effectively.
We not only established long-term cooperation and partnerships with major brands in Taiwan but also exported to Europe, America, and Asia.

If you want to make a pleasant purchasing experience in customized shopping bags, or still not clear on custom promotional bags. We are willing to listen and provide suggestions for create their custom shopping bags. Please feel free to email us.

Company Video

Tienyih is factory-direct for professional custom non-woven shopping bag, paper bag insulated bag and canvas bag. We have been in the business of helping others create custom promotional bags for almost 30 years and have cooperated with more than 500 enterprises. We assist our customer one-stop service and bulk purchases. We are also committed to enhancing the product value and establishing long-term customer partnerships.