One-stop custom shopping bag service and factory-direct.
We bring innovative design to production process, and provide high-quality product which people can trust.
Tienyih is one- stop service manufacture that can custom paper bag, non-woven bag, canvas bag.
What We Can Help
One Stop Service
One stop custom non-woven bag, paper bag, insulated bag and canvas bag service and eco-friendly shopping bag manufacturer.
Total Solution
Rapidly integrate customer demand and provide suggestion because of 30 years experiences in production process.
Real Responsibility
We focus on environmental sustainability, so we offer biodegradable materials and FSC certified paper to our customer.
Recommend Products
Non-Woven Eco-Friendly Bag
Gravure printing matched ultrasonic process is suitable for commonly used packaging.
Ultrasonic Insulated Bag
Gravure printing matched ultrasonic process is suitable for food delivery and baking industry.
Kraft Paper
Roll-to-roll printing and molding is the fastest and cost effective process. It suitable for commonly used packaging.